New accreditation certification of construction products
Qualilab has recently completed the process of obtaining accreditation as a product certification body under the Construction Products Regulation (EU) 2011/305. Accredia has certified that Qualilab operates in compliance with the requirements of EN/ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
New instrument for the EMC laboratory
Our new instrument will now be able to perform Surge tests according to EN 61000-4-5 up to 10 kV for AC and DC powered products
Nuovo dispositivo per il laboratorio EMC
Nuova antenna per la prova di immunità magnetica fino a 30 A/m secondo la normativa EN 61000-4-8
QUALILAB adesso in campo anche con le ragazze di PALLAVOLO ASOLA REMEDELLO
Sono arrivate le nuove maglie!
(EU) Regulations 2019/2020 and 2019/2015
According to (EU) Regulations 2019/2020 and 2019/2015 from 1 September 2021, it will be necessary to comply with the new eco-design parameters and the new energy label for light sources and power supply units. Together we will be able to
QUALILAB HAS EXPANDED ITS EMC DEPARTMENT The new acquired equipment allows to carry out immunity tests in semi-anechoic chamber from 10 kHz up to 6 GHz, electromagnetic fields up to 300 V/m, testing on automotive products the susceptibility to magnetic